Friday, April 24, 2009

Ghosts in the Underground

"No one here can make a sound. We're just ghosts in this town. We are standing in the trenches of the new underground. All the walls are comin' down, we're still hanging around. We are diggin' in the trenches of the new underground...".

I Couldn't Care Less

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Ghosts in the Underground. I will be honest with you, I have no illusions that my view is anything new or more profound than the views of anyone else. I don't expect that my little blog will set the world on fire or start a revolution of thinking. In fact I don't expect that I'll say anything here that you haven't heard before (and probably in a better package to boot). What I do intend to do is provide a resource and a spark for debate and inspire critical thinking. My hope is to keep things timely, relevant, and accurate.

Starting a blog is a very sketchy proposition. They're cheesy, they're fad-ish, and they're everywhere. I originally started out posting links to my facebook page and providing my own commentary. I quickly discovered that the format was very limited and rarely allowed me to add the level of comment that I wished and didn't really have to option to tie several stories in together.

So now here I am sporting a blog, hoping to separate myself from the chaff. I'm only going to post one link for today. I don't want to over-reach. This link is to the Institute for American Liberty and a speech in particular titled "The Americans Who Risked Everything."

The Institute for American Liberty is non-profit organization and I share their goal of promoting the principles and ideals of the Founding Fathers, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. I'll be expounding on all of these in later posts and relate them to current events. Until then, please read this speech. I hope you too will reflect on the sacrifice of these 56 men and their families made that each and everyone of us and millions more around the world have directly benefited from. They believed so deeply that the rights of the individual as equal to that of any other person and supreme to any government that they willingly, defiantly, and courageously put risked their lives, families, and homes to certain destruction. How many of us today would be willing to risk that much today to preserve the liberties they secured for us?

I know I would.

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